How To Deep Fry a Thanksgiving Turkey to Perfection: Chef Secrets Revealed!
(NewsUSA) - The popularity of deep-fried turkey continues to rise and it’s no wonder, a 12-pound turkey takes less than 45 minutes to cook! The rule of thumb is 3.5 minutes per pound. Home cooks no longer have to be intimidated by the idea of deep frying. Chef Kyle Andreasen from the Wesson cooking oil test kitchen, shares his secrets to deep fried turkey perfection.
“The challenge with big meals is making sure all the dishes are ready at the same time,” says Andreasen. “Deep frying frees up space in your oven, has a much faster cook time, and the cooked turkey stays hot for at up to an hour once it’s done. So, you’ve got time to get everything prepped to serve at once.”
To get delectable results, Chef Kyle says the trick is to start a week in advance. Fully thaw out the frozen turkey in the fridge, season it and give it a couple of days to dry out. Placing a turkey in hot oil that is not fully defrosted or dried off is dangerous, so don’t do it!

What size turkey to deep fry? The ideal turkey for frying is 10 to 12 pounds. This size fits the fryer and ensures juicy, well-cooked meat. When buying the turkey, stock up on 4 gallons of Wesson canola oil to fill your fryer on the big day. Wesson has a pure, neutral flavor which ensures you taste the delicious turkey – not the oil. You’ll get a wonderful crisp skin and succulent tender meat.
How to prepare a turkey: One week out, place the frozen, packaged turkey on a tray and thaw it in the refrigerator. Two days before Thanksgiving, remove and discard the packaging, neck and giblets. Place the turkey into the empty frying pot, adding water to just cover the turkey. Remove the turkey and mark the water line with a piece of tape – this will be your oil fill line. Pat the turkey dry and season it generously with salt inside and out. Refrigerate uncovered until the big day. This allows the seasoning to sink-in so it stays on the bird when frying.
The big day: Start about two hours before you plan to serve. Fill your turkey fryer with Wesson canola oil to one inch below the fill line you marked and discard the tape. The oil expands when heated and will raise the volume to the fill line. Heat the oil in the turkey fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (takes about 30 minutes). Have oven mitts, kitchen towels, a thermometer, and a wire rack on hand.
How to fry a turkey: Place turkey on the hook or basket that came with the fryer, with legs facing up. Dry the turkey thoroughly inside and out with paper towels before frying. Once the oil is hot, turn the gas off, put on the oven mitts, and slowly lower the turkey into the pot. Then turn the heat back on, but do not cover. Set the timer and make sure someone monitors the frying, adjusting the temperature as needed to maintain 350˚ F. A 12-pound turkey will take less than 45 minutes.
When the timer goes off, turn off the heat, lift the turkey from the fryer, and place it on a rack over a pan. Check the internal temperature of the middle of the breast and the middle of the thighs to make sure it’s the USDA recommended temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit for turkey. Let the cooked turkey rest uncovered for at least 60 minutes before carving. For this recipe and more, visit
Be safe! Only deep fry outside. Read your fryer’s instructions, follow all safety recommendations, and have a fire extinguisher rated for oil fires on hand.