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Medicare’s Extra Help Program Helps More People Save More Money on Prescription Costs

Due to a new law, more people qualify for more prescription drug savings with Medicare’s Extra Help program, so it could pay to apply even if you don’t think you qualify or if you were denied before. Many people qualify for Extra Help and don’t know it. 

You may be able to save money on your Part D prescription drug costs through Medicare’s Extra Help program, including $0 drug plan premiums, $0 deductibles, and lower out-of-pocket costs. With Medicare’s Extra Help, you’ll pay no more than $4.50 for generic drugs and $11.20 for brand-name drugs. The savings can really add up.

Apply for Extra Help if you have income below these limits:

  • Individuals—Your yearly income is less than $22,590.
  • Married and living with your spouse—Your yearly income is less than $30,660.

Apply through the Social Security Administration by visiting where you can complete and submit your application.

Need help applying? Access personalized health insurance counseling in your community at no cost, available from your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). Visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE for locations near you.

Even if you don’t qualify for Extra Help now, you can reapply for Extra Help any time if your income and resources change.

To learn more about Medicare’s Extra Help program, visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE.

Information provided by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Pharmacy Benefit Companies Are More Valuable Now Than Ever

(JC Scott) - Recently, there has been a lot of discussion by politicians about how to address prescription drug prices and out-of-pocket costs for Americans. Unfortunately, some of that discussion has wrongfully pointed the finger at pharmacy benefit companies (PBMs).

How do PBMs work? PBMs help ensure more than 275 million Americans can get the medicines they need, easily and affordably. Your employer or health insurance company chooses to hire a PBM for their expertise in prescription drugs and pharmacy benefits. PBMs negotiate directly with drug companies to lower drug costs by $1,040 per patient every year. They also reduce medication errors, provide valuable clinical services, and help keep patients healthy.

Because of the savings PBMs secure, drug companies who want to be paid more for their products and pharmacies that want to be paid more for their services are funding self-interested attacks on the PBM industry.

Americans should be skeptical of these attacks on PBMs – the only stakeholder dedicated to lowering drug costs.

Concerningly, some members of Congress have taken the bait from drug companies and are considering misguided policies targeting PBMs. For example, a proposed policy called “delinking” is being pushed as a solution, yet respected economists from the University of Chicago, USC Schaeffer Center, and Jack Kemp Foundation agree that the policy would instead increase costs for patients, employers, and taxpayers.

Fortunately, encouraging innovation in the pharmacy benefits market is improving how patients access and pay for their prescription drugs. For example:

  • The PBM marketplace has grown more competitive with over 70 full-service companies offering varying benefit design and contracting options.
  • In light of rising drug prices, PBMs have implemented new innovative offerings to help employers lower out-of-pocket costs for patients.
  • PBMs have responded to the high list prices of popular GLP-1 weight loss medications by negotiating savings and providing employers options to cover these drugs.
  • Greater biosimilar uptake is being encouraged by PBMs, as a more affordable alternative to high-priced brand name drugs.
  • PBMs are empowering pharmacists to practice at the top of their license and implementing programs to support rural pharmacies.

Policymakers have an opportunity to deliver what patients need when it comes to prescription drugs – lower costs and better access. By encouraging the market to continue innovating to address these needs and tailoring policies to promote competition and build on this progress, we can work together to help patients have affordable access to the drugs they need.

Learn more about how PBMs are delivering value to patients, employers, and pharmacies at

Protect Yourself from Changing Flu and COVID-19 Viruses

(NewsUSA) - The viruses that cause COVID-19 and flu continuously change or “mutate” to escape our natural immune responses and the protection provided by vaccines. As a result, for both flu and COVID-19, vaccination is not a “one and done” proposition.  

Fortunately, as these viruses change, flu and COVID-19 vaccines are updated to protect the public against the variants that are currently circulating. Experts at Champions for Vaccine Education, Equity, and Progress (CVEEP)—a coalition dedicated to educating the public about vaccines and promoting equity and access—emphasize that the best way to reduce the risk of severe illness from both flu and COVID-19 is to stay up to date with recommended vaccinations.

Some viruses, such as those that cause measles and polio, change infrequently. This means that the vaccines for these viruses can provide immunity that is longer-lasting. By contrast, frequent changes in the viruses that cause COVID-19 and flu mean the protection provided by these vaccines will wane as new variants emerge.

Flu and COVID-19 are serious diseases. Between October 1, 2023, and June 1, 2024, there were approximately 44,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19, and at least 24,000 deaths associated with flu. These numbers highlight the ongoing importance of staying current with vaccinations to protect yourself and your family from these viruses. 

Updated flu and COVID-19 vaccines will be available this fall that are formulated to protect against the variants that are most likely to be circulating during the upcoming respiratory illness season. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines and routine annual influenza vaccines for individuals aged 6 months and older.

COVID-19 remains a serious threat to public health and still poses significant risks. Staying current on your flu and COVID-19 vaccines is the best way to maintain protection from these illnesses. Help reduce the risk of interruptions and challenges that come from upticks in flu and COVID-19 infections by getting vaccinated this fall. 

Visit for more information or consult with your healthcare provider.

Protégete de los cambiantes virus de la gripe y el COVID-19

(NewsUSA) - Los virus que causan el COVID-19 y la gripe cambian continuamente o "mutan" para escapar de nuestras respuestas inmunitarias naturales y de la protección proporcionada por las vacunas. Como resultado, tanto para la gripe como para el COVID-19, la vacunación no es una proposición de "una sola vez".

Afortunadamente, a medida que estos virus cambian, las vacunas contra la gripe y el COVID-19 se actualizan para proteger al público contra las variantes que están circulando actualmente. Los expertos de los Defensores de la Educación, la Equidad y el Progreso de la Vacunación (CVEEP, por sus siglas en inglés), son una coalición dedicada a educar al público sobre las vacunas y promover la equidad y el acceso y enfatizan que la mejor manera de reducir el riesgo de enfermedades graves tanto por la gripe como por el COVID-19 es mantenerse al día con las vacunas recomendadas.

Algunos virus, como los que causan el sarampión y la polio, cambian con poca frecuencia. Esto significa que las vacunas para estos virus pueden proporcionar una inmunidad que dura más tiempo. Por el contrario, los cambios frecuentes en los virus que causan el COVID-19 y la gripe significan que la protección proporcionada por estas vacunas disminuirá a medida que surjan nuevas variantes.

La gripe y el COVID-19 son enfermedades graves. Entre el 1 de octubre de 2023 y el 1 de junio de 2024, hubo aproximadamente 44,000 muertes atribuidas al COVID-19 y al menos 24,000 muertes asociadas con la gripe. Estos números destacan la importancia continua de mantenerte al día con las vacunas para protegerte a ti mismo y a tu familia de estos virus.

Este otoño estarán disponibles vacunas actualizadas contra la gripe y el COVID-19, formuladas para proteger contra las variantes que probablemente estarán circulando durante la próxima temporada de enfermedades respiratorias. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés), recomiendan las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para 2024-2025 y las vacunas anuales de rutina contra la influenza para todas las personas de 6 meses y mayores.

El COVID-19 sigue siendo una amenaza seria para la salud pública y aún representa riesgos significativos. Mantenerte al día con tus vacunas contra la gripe y el COVID-19 es la mejor manera de mantener la protección contra estas enfermedades. Ayuda a reducir el riesgo de interrupciones y desafíos que surgen de los aumentos en las infecciones de la gripe y el COVID-19 vacunándote este otoño.

Visita para obtener más información o consulta con tu proveedor de atención médica.

Love and Support: An 80-Year-Old Mother's Journey with Aortic Stenosis

(NewsUSA) - All her life, Darian Tymes has been a high-energy woman with a positive spirit and a can-do attitude. When she started losing her breath and feeling fatigued simply moving from room to room, 80-year-old Darian and her children knew that something was wrong.

With the support of her daughters, Darian made frequent visits to a local cardiologist to try to find the cause of her breathlessness. Unable to make a full diagnosis, her cardiologist referred her to a specialist, Mustafa Ahmed, M.D.

“When she came into my office the first time, I knew she was in trouble,” said Dr. Ahmed. “You knew something was wrong because she is someone who is normally extraordinary, active and independent, and at that moment I saw her quality of life was being impacted.”

After running tests, Dr. Ahmed was able to diagnose Darian with severe aortic stenosis (SAS), a progressive disease that occurs when the heart’s aortic valve narrows, preventing blood from flowing normally. Symptoms of SAS can include chest pain, rapid heart rhythm, trouble breathing and shortness of breath, lightheadedness, difficulty walking short distances, swollen ankles or feet, and difficulty sleeping or needing to sleep sitting up.

Sometimes, it can be easy to confuse these symptoms with general aging, which makes visits to a cardiologist even more important. It is better to get it checked out and be wrong than to have an undiagnosed and untreated heart condition.

SAS affects women differently than men. Generally, women live longer than men, but once women develop SAS, they suffer higher mortality, even when a man and woman are the same age1. After developing symptoms, and if left untreated, the average patient survival is two years without treatment2. Additionally, studies in the US found Black patients with SAS are less likely to receive life-saving treatment compared to other Americans, putting someone like Darian at greater risk3.

Darian's Story










After receiving a diagnosis, Darian and her family knew they needed to take action. While Darian was relieved to finally have an answer to her health concerns, she was understandably nervous about what treatment would entail. Years prior, Darian underwent open-heart surgery, an experience that took a toll on her body and she did not want to endure again. Luckily, Darian was told by her doctor that this kind of major surgery was no longer the norm, and she was an ideal candidate for a minimally invasive alternative.

“I asked them, ‘Are they going to cut my chest open again?’ They said, ‘No. It’s a simple, minimally invasive procedure.’ After they told me how they were going to do it I said, ‘Okay I’m ready.’”

Darian received a transcatheter valve replacement (TAVR) procedure. TAVR is a minimally invasive procedure to replace a diseased aortic valve with a new, artificial valve. Instead of traditional open-heart surgery, TAVR uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter. The doctor guides the catheter to a patient’s heart through blood vessels which can be accessed through the groin, thigh, stomach, chest, neck, or collarbone. The new valve, which is folded inside the catheter, is then placed securely within the existing valve. With no need for surgery, TAVR means a shorter recovery time and less discomfort, helping patients get back to everyday life more quickly.  Because women’s hearts tend to have smaller valves when compared to men, TAVR is a very important treatment option for women.

Darian underwent this procedure with the tested and proven effective EvolutTM TAVR System from Medtronic to treat her aortic stenosis.

A recent study called the SMART Trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, compared the system to other valves on the market and found that the new Evolut valve worked very well and demonstrated excellent patient outcomes, especially in women4. These new insights are helping women and their doctors make the decision on what treatment option works best for them.

“Before the procedure, I was not nervous. I was not scared, I was completely relaxed.”

After taking action and undergoing her TAVR procedure, Darian is able to relax once again - if she wants to! No longer feeling shortness of breath and dizziness from walking from room to room, Darian is up and moving, living life the way she always has lived it. “I can walk, I can cook, I can dance, drive…I can do it all myself and I love it. Now at 83 years old, after raising five children, six grandchildren, and working hard, I am entitled to enjoy the rest of my life.”

Seeing Darian back on her feet and on the move has been a joy to her family, and they say that now they even have a hard time keeping up with her.

For more information on aortic stenosis, visit:

Any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties such as those described in Medtronic's periodic reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ materially from anticipated results.

1Am Heart Assoc. 2021;10:e018816. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.018816,

2 Lester SJ, Heilbron B, Gin K, Dodek A, Jue J. The natural history and rate of progression of aortic stenosis. Chest. April 1998;113(4):1109-1114

3Alkhouli, M et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Inntv. 2019 May. 12 (10) 936-948

4SMART Trial

How Older Adults Can Find Help in their Communities

(Sara Tribe Clark) - The Eldercare Locator is national call center that helps older adults and family caregivers find local services to help them stay in their homes and communities independently. The Eldercare Locator connects people with local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and other aging service providers that offer a variety of services such as home delivered and community meals, transportation, in-home assistance, caregiver support, health and wellness programs, home modification and legal services.

The Eldercare Locator serves older adults and caregivers across the country who have a variety of needs. Eldercare Locator Referral Specialists are trained to provide personalized help to people who contact the service. And the Eldercare Locator also has enhanced accessibility with options for people to text or communicate through American Sign Language direct video call.

The Eldercare Locator is managed by USAging, which is the national association representing the network of more than 600 AAAs across the country and advocating for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs. AAAs and Title VI programs provide a range of critical services and supports to enable older adults to age with optimal health, independence and dignity at home and in the community.

“Older adults and caregivers who contact the Eldercare Locator are searching for information and connections to a range of services such as transportation, home modification and in-home supports that can enable them to age where they want to—at home and in the community,” said Sandy Markwood, CEO, USAging. “Our committed and expert Referral Specialists are there to answer their critical questions and ensure that they get the help and support they need.”

The training and expertise of Eldercare Locator Referral Specialists enables them to focus on and respond to the unique needs of each caller. Said one caller, “The specialist was very helpful. He provided great service, listened to me carefully, and provided helpful information.”

Another caller stated, “The specialist’s outstanding patience and empathy in dealing with my parents’ care needs were remarkable.”

To find local services, you can contact the Eldercare Locator in several different ways. To speak with a Referral Specialist by voice, videophone call or text use 1-800-677-1116. You can chat online with a Referral Specialist at or send an email to [email protected].

Staying Stronger for Longer: Addressing Sarcopenia with Exercise

(NewsUSA) - Muscle health is just as important as bone health over the lifespan. When a decrease in muscle mass leads to a reduced quality of life and an inability to perform everyday tasks, it could be sarcopenia—the loss of muscle and strength that can happen when someone gets older and does less physical activity. Sarcopenia is particularly concerning among women because the peak muscle mass and strength they achieve in their mid-thirties tend to be lower than for men. This means that when women start losing muscle, they feel the effects sooner than men.

Sarcopenia generally becomes noticeable beginning at age 40. Common symptoms of sarcopenia include weaker muscles, reduced walking speeds, increased difficulty with day-to-day tasks, and falls. Sarcopenia risk is affected by age-related factors, like hormone changes that affect muscle mass and the body’s reduced ability to absorb protein, and behavioral factors, like physical activity levels or lack thereof.

Muscle-strengthening activity can help older adults decrease their risk of developing sarcopenia and maintain a high quality of life. When individuals strengthen their muscles and rebuild muscle mass, they may improve their balance and reduce their chances of falls and fractures. In addition, they are better able to perform daily activities like carrying groceries, standing up from a chair, or playing with their grandchildren.

“Staying active not only helps decrease your risk of getting sarcopenia, but it also can improve your quality of life, mental health, and independence,” advises Dr. Dorothy Fink, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women’s Health.

Adults and older adults should engage in muscle-strengthening activities at least two days per week. These exercises should include all the major muscle groups: upper body (abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms) and lower body (legs, hips, and back). The goal is to move and contract the muscles, rebuilding muscle and strength over time with adequate nutrition and physical activity.

Starting and maintaining a physical activity routine does not require special equipment or a gym membership. Individuals can start at home with simple activities like arm curls, holding soup cans that serve as weights, crunches, bent knee raises, and lunges.

When starting a new physical activity routine, it is recommended that individuals take it slow and build up their number of sets or gradually increase the number of days they get active. Enlisting a partner or friend may be beneficial to stay motivated to exercise. Partnering with someone provides accountability and encouragement for both people, which may inspire them to continue being physically active week after week.

The beneficial effects of exercise in addressing sarcopenia are best when coupled with a healthy diet that includes enough protein, which helps build and maintain muscle mass.

If you have questions about sarcopenia or want to change your exercise routine or diet, consider consulting a health care provider to discuss your goals, ask questions, and seek personalized advice.

For more information on exercising and other ways to help reduce the risk of sarcopenia, visit the Stronger than Sarcopenia campaign webpage, provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health:

Heartfelt Hope: A Young Mom's New Lease on Life

(NewsUSA) - When faced with a life-threatening heart condition, the right medical device and treatment plan can mean the difference between life and death. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Despite this, only 44% of American women recognize that heart disease is their number one killer, and research shows they continue to be undertreated compared to men.

Choosing Aurora EV-ICD: A Life-Saving Treatment

At just 27 years old, Annie Gates, a mother of three from Miller, South Dakota, found herself struggling with shortness of breath, exhaustion, and the inability to keep up – all symptoms she associated with trying to keep up with her young family. Her journey to receiving care for an underlying heart condition began with subtle but concerning symptoms that quickly escalated into severe episodes of rapid heartbeats, sometimes reaching 250-260 beats per minute – more than triple that of a normal heartbeat.

A particularly severe episode, lasting five minutes, was a critical turning point for Annie. With the nearest medical care more than two hours away, she struggled to remain conscious. As she watched the heart rate numbers on her smartwatch climb, she began to lose her vision and had a sinking feeling this was different. Her husband quickly realized the severity of her condition. In those terrifying moments, Annie recalls feeling like she might die.

Previous medical evaluations were inconclusive, but a pharmacist’s advice led her to seek a second opinion, a decision that likely saved her life. Annie was subsequently diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), a rare genetic condition that causes irregular heartbeats. This diagnosis not only explained her symptoms but also shed light on a family history of unexplained cardiac incidents.

Now that she had a diagnosis, she could look ahead to what her options were to ensure these near-death episodes wouldn’t happen again.

Living with Confidence and Hope

Luckily, Annie’s diagnosis was met with a new cutting-edge solution – the Aurora EV-ICD™ (Extravascular Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator). ICDs are highly effective in providing life-saving therapy for patients at risk of ventricular tachycardia (VT) or sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). An ICD continuously checks the heartbeat and delivers painless pacing pulses or high-energy shocks to restore a normal heart rhythm. This device offered not just a safeguard against VT, or rapid heartbeat, but a return to her previous quality of life. After her doctor explained the advantages of the EV-ICD compared to traditional ICDs, Annie knew it was the device she wanted given her age and that she would need the protection of ICDs for the rest of her life. The Aurora EV-ICD is implanted in a discreet location below her left armpit that Annie barely notices, fitting comfortably under her sports bra without irritation, and without any wires touching her heart – important factors for Annie. Today, the Aurora EV-ICD gives her – and her family – a sense of normalcy and peace of mind.

With the Aurora EV-ICD “standing watch,” Annie lives with renewed confidence and fewer fears. She continues to engage in daily activities like horse riding and rodeo, running her family’s ranch, and enjoying a revitalized lease on life with enough energy to play with her kids. The Aurora EV-ICD continuously monitors her condition and transmits data to her doctors, ensuring she remains under vigilant care. Her story is a powerful testament to survival, self-advocacy, and the impact of cutting-edge medical technology.

A Message of Persistence and Innovation

Annie’s experience underscores the critical importance of persistence in seeking answers to health questions and challenges, and the transformative impact of medical technology. In sharing her story, she hopes it helps others get the medical answers for whatever they’re experiencing. Her journey with the Aurora EV-ICD offers hope and inspiration, highlighting the courage required to advocate for oneself in the healthcare journey and the life-saving potential of innovative medical solutions.

Learn more at


Image caption: Trey and Annie Gates

Family Meals Boost Mental Health for All Ages

(NewsUSA) - Sharing a meal -- with family members that include relatives but also those you choose to call family -- not only promotes healthy eating, but healthier minds as well, new data show.

More than half of Americans believe that family meals make them feel more connected, according to the FMI Foundation, a nonprofit organization and creator and steward of the Family Meals Movement.

In a recent survey from the FMI Foundation, one-third of Americans said family meals make them feel calm, and approximately four in 10 said family meals are relaxing and fun, and improved their quality of life.

“These new data underscore the hundreds of studies the FMI Foundation has curated to substantiate further the expansive physical and mental health benefits of family meals,” said David Fikes, executive director of the FMI Foundation. “Sharing meals is clearly one of our best proactive practices to build a healthier nation,” he said.

Anxiety and other mental health issues have surged among youth in recent years, and FMI Foundation data support the value of family meals for giving children, teens, and young adults a way to connect and boost their feelings of well-being. Multiple published studies demonstrate that family meals are associated with reduced symptoms of depression, fewer incidents of violent behavior, and reduced thoughts of suicide in youth, as well as a reduction in patterns of disordered eating. Additional studies support the link between increased family meals and more prosocial behavior and feelings of life satisfaction among adolescents.

Family meals are good for adults, too. Data from the FMI Foundation show higher levels of self-esteem and family function, as well as lower levels of stress and depression among adults who share more meals with family members.

“Family meals are a proven way to strengthen the emotional well-being of children and adults and bolster the bonds they share.” Fikes emphasized. “With youth depression and anxiety at an all-time high, there has never been a better time to take simple steps, like family meals, to build healthier hearts, minds, and bodies.”

Joining the Family Meals Movement is one way to take advantage of the many benefits family meals offer. If you’re looking for ways to have just one more family meal each week, visit your local supermarket for meal ideas, recipes, cooking and preparation suggestions and products that help make family meals easily achievable. Many grocery stores offer in-store retail dietitians who can offer customized nutrition and meal-planning tools to fit your budget and needs. And don’t forget to take part in National Family Meals Month™, celebrated in September as part of the Family Meals Movement.

Learn more about the Family Meals Movement at and Family Meals Month at


Hitting a Home Run for Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients

(NewsUSA) - Not long ago, small cell lung cancer was considered the forgotten cancer, and treatment was generally chemotherapy and radiation. But now, there is a new treatment that is showing great promise for patients with small-cell lung cancer. Some doctors say that when it works, it is like hitting a home run in treating small-cell lung cancer.

This exciting new treatment uses the patient's immune system to fight cancer. The treatment, called T-cell engager technology, uses the immune system's T-cells to attack and kill the cancer cell. The FDA approved a new T-cell engager therapy last month. 

Dr. Jacob Sands, Thoracic Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, says utilizing T-cell engager technology is like hitting a home run in treating small-cell lung cancer. 


Dr. Jacob


Dr. Jacob Sands, Thoracic Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

"Chemotherapy can be like swinging the bat for a single or a double. You're more likely to get a hit, but it doesn't necessarily win the game. What we've seen from the T-cell engagers is particularly exciting because the numbers suggest a more frequent hit. The question is, are those home runs? We don't yet know. Are they triples? We'll have to see," said Dr. Jacob Sands, Thoracic Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. 

LCFA encourages people living with small-cell lung cancer to ask their doctor about the latest treatment options.

For more information on T-cell engager technology and small-cell lung cancer at  



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