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Hitting a Home Run for Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients

(NewsUSA) - Not long ago, small cell lung cancer was considered the forgotten cancer, and treatment was generally chemotherapy and radiation. But now, there is a new treatment that is showing great promise for patients with small-cell lung cancer. Some doctors say that when it works, it is like hitting a home run in treating small-cell lung cancer.

This exciting new treatment uses the patient's immune system to fight cancer. The treatment, called T-cell engager technology, uses the immune system's T-cells to attack and kill the cancer cell. The FDA approved a new T-cell engager therapy last month. 

Dr. Jacob Sands, Thoracic Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, says utilizing T-cell engager technology is like hitting a home run in treating small-cell lung cancer. 


Dr. Jacob


Dr. Jacob Sands, Thoracic Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

"Chemotherapy can be like swinging the bat for a single or a double. You're more likely to get a hit, but it doesn't necessarily win the game. What we've seen from the T-cell engagers is particularly exciting because the numbers suggest a more frequent hit. The question is, are those home runs? We don't yet know. Are they triples? We'll have to see," said Dr. Jacob Sands, Thoracic Oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. 

LCFA encourages people living with small-cell lung cancer to ask their doctor about the latest treatment options.

For more information on T-cell engager technology and small-cell lung cancer at  



Don’t Let Diabetes Shortchange Your Golden Years

(NewsUSA) - Dianne Mattiace shows that managing diabetes shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying your retirement, thanks in part to a game changing new technology

After a busy career in healthcare, Dianne has finally retired with her husband in Alabama. However, she has no intention of slowing down. Dianne is looking to live life to its fullest, whether that’s serving on the Board of a local charity, spending time with her grandchildren or swimming in the lake by her house in summer.

Now in her early seventies, Dianne was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes over 30 years ago and spent many years adjusting to the stress of managing her diabetes. At times she felt like she had lost control of her diabetes and her life.

On one occasion, while her husband was traveling for work, Dianne was hospitalized in Florida on the edge of diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication. “It was quite scary for me and my family. Thankfully I was treated successfully, but adapting to life with diabetes was proving very difficult for me. It was taking a significant toll on my physical and mental health”, Dianne reflects.  

It was during one of these tough periods where Dianne’s endocrinologist suggested that she try something completely new. Like many people living with diabetes, Dianne was using a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), but found traditional models to be uncomfortable, cumbersome and restrictive. Ultimately, they had presented challenges for her active life. That’s when Dianne became the first ever person to be prescribed an Eversense CGM in 2018.

" "Dianne had never heard of Eversense, until her endocrinologist introduced it as a unique CGM option that could perfectly suit her lifestyle. Currently on her 24th Eversense system, she has never looked back.  

Eversense is the world’s first and only fully implantable and long-term CGM. The latest version, Eversense E3 lasts an astonishing 180 days, compared to just 7-14 days for other available CGMs. “It’s such a relief not to worry about constantly replacing sensors, booking doctor’s appointments and carrying endless supplies,” Dianne says.

A sensor is inserted under the skin in the upper arm by a trained health care provider, and then one is free to go for a whole six months. With only two replacements needed a year, a removable smart transmitter1 is worn over the sensor and seamlessly sends glucose readings directly to a smartphone.

Although Dianne did not consider herself tech-savvy, she quickly adapted to life with Eversense and immediately saw the benefits. The user-friendly app has helped simplify her decision making and she feels as though she can trust her CGM’s glucose readings due to Eversense’s exceptional accuracy.

“If I had to pick one feature that I love the most, it would be the subtle on-body vibratory alerts,” Dianne added. “Eversense discretely lets me know if my glucose levels need attention, without attracting the attention of others. It’s perfect for when I’m at church or catching a movie, when I don’t want a phone making a lot of noise. It also means I can be away from my phone from time to time and live in the moment.”

All in all, Eversense has allowed Dianne to enjoy her retirement without spending every moment worrying about her diabetes. “I don’t let diabetes control me,” she says, “It’s never too late to embrace something new and change your habits, especially when it comes to diabetes care.”

The Eversense E3 CGM, brought to people by Ascensia Diabetes Care, has been called the “CGM for real life” and Dianne couldn’t agree more. The ability to remove and replace the Eversense transmitter[1] means that Dianne no longer worries about taking a swim in the lake or knocking off her CGM when playing with her grandchildren.

Dianne’s liberating experience with the Eversense E3 is becoming an often-repeated story, as more users discover the ease, convenience and freedom of the Eversense E3. People with diabetes, regardless of age, can appreciate all of the benefits that this unique product can offer, Dianne says.

The Eversense E3 has recently received expanded Medicare coverage, making it even more accessible for many people living with diabetes across the US.

For more information about successfully managing diabetes, visit


[1] There is no glucose data generated when the Eversense E3 transmitter is removed. For an overview of Eversense CGM safety information, please visit Please visit for limitations, restrictions, references and copyright information.

Addressing Sarcopenia with a Healthy Diet

(NewsUSA) - Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength can significantly impact the quality of life for older adults. However, recent research underscores the role of proper nutrition in preventing and managing this condition.

Starting around age 30, the body naturally loses 3 to 5% of muscle mass per decade. This natural process can escalate into a condition known as sarcopenia if muscle loss becomes severe. The effects of sarcopenia include decreased mobility, increased risk of falls, and reduced independence.

The effects of sarcopenia are particularly pronounced in women. Women naturally possess less muscle mass than men, and this disparity becomes even more noticeable with age due to menopause. As estrogen levels drop during menopause, the rate of muscle loss in women accelerates, making them more susceptible to sarcopenia.

Recent studies have highlighted the significance of specific nutrients in addressing sarcopenia. A healthy diet incorporating higher protein intake and select vitamins and minerals is consistently linked to preventing and managing sarcopenia.

Protein is essential for maintaining and building muscle mass. For older adults, higher protein intake from foods such as lean cuts of meat, seafood, and low-fat dairy can help prevent and treat sarcopenia. Whey protein, in particular, has shown promise in improving frailty and sarcopenia.

Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, selenium, and magnesium have promising effects in preventing muscle loss. Deficiencies of these essential nutrients are common in older adults, especially women, and are associated with muscle weakness and an increased risk of falls. However, boosting one’s intake can help maintain muscle strength and function, reducing the risk of sarcopenia.

It’s important to note that the beneficial effects of a healthy diet in addressing sarcopenia are best when coupled with resistance and aerobic exercise.

"It's very important that all adults, especially women, be aware of sarcopenia and regularly discuss dietary decisions with their healthcare professional or dietician to optimize their health as they age," advises Dr. Dorothy Fink, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women’s Health.

While muscle loss is inevitable in aging, it doesn't have to lead to sarcopenia. By incorporating the proper nutrients into our diets and maintaining an active lifestyle, we can counteract the effects of this condition and continue leading strong, healthy lives.

For more information about sarcopenia and how to prevent it, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women's Health's “Stronger than Sarcopenia” campaign offers valuable resources. This initiative provides comprehensive information about sarcopenia, including its symptoms, risk factors, and prevention strategies, emphasizing the importance of strength training and proper nutrition. The “Stronger than Sarcopenia” resources are available online at

Curbing Colorectal Cancer in Minority Populations

(NewsUSA) - April is National Minority Health Month, and Black Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN), and underserved Americans, are among those disproportionately affected by colorectal cancer, according to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance (Alliance), the leading national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the disease.

The Alliance is expanding its health equity efforts to increase awareness of colorectal cancer risk in minority populations and to improve access to screening and care.

“Colorectal cancer is highly treatable when caught early,” said Cedrek McFadden, MD, colorectal cancer surgeon and Alliance Medical Scientific Advisory Committee member. “Providing equity and access for minority and underserved communities with barriers to screening and care must be a priority to help decrease incidence and mortality rates.”

To further address disparities, the Alliance has created a Health Equity Fund and Health Equity Advisory Committee to forge partnerships that:

●Offer free or low-cost screening options to more Americans in need.

●Expand financial assistance for patients during treatment.

●Enable innovative research to identify reasons for and solutions to disparities.

●Connect those most in need with high-quality and potentially lifesaving screening and treatment options.

“The Colorectal Cancer Alliance is committed to breaking down barriers to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment,” said Angele Russell, Senior Director of Partnerships & Health Equity, and leader of the Health Equity Advisory Committee at the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. “The Alliance’s Health Equity Fund and Health Equity Advisory Committee were established to address disparities in healthcare and provide free lifesaving screening and care resources to communities most affected by this deadly disease.”

The Alliance urges everyone, especially Black American and American Indian/Alaska Native populations, to know the risk factors and symptoms of colorectal cancer.

Risk factors include a family history of colorectal cancer, certain inherited genetic syndromes such as Lynch syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of colorectal cancer may include a change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, abdominal discomfort, weakness and/or fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.

The Alliance offers a free and easy online quiz, available in both English and Spanish, that provides a screening recommendation based on personal risk factors. Visit to take the quiz and receive a customized screening recommendation based on personal risk factors that you can discuss with your doctor.

Coverage for Obesity Care is Only Fair

(NewsUSA) - Obesity is an increasingly significant health problem in the United States, especially for women. The disease affects 1 in 3 American women, including 57% of Black women and 44% of Hispanic women.

Although obesity is a chronic, treatable condition, obesity care is not covered by health insurance like other chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. As a chronic disease, it’s only fair that people with obesity receive the same coverage as other chronic conditions.

EveryBODY Covered, a new campaign led by the Alliance for Women’s Health and Prevention (AWHP) in partnership with 15 other leading health organizations, is working to change this by empowering women to speak with their employers and elected officials about the need for comprehensive obesity care coverage.

Currently, less than half of employers cover or are considering covering the latest generation of anti-obesity medications. “Healthcare professionals need to be able to provide the full range of obesity care options for their patients, and patients need access to that care,” said Dr. Eliza Chin, Executive Director of the American Medical Women’s Association. “Obesity deserves the same level of coverage as any other chronic disease.”

The campaign argues that obesity is a women’s health issue. Citing data from the National Institutes of Health which shows that women with obesity are more likely to have other chronic diseases, including breast cancer, fertility, and maternal health challenges. Women with obesity also are more likely to face stigma in their professional and personal lives. In fact, women affected by obesity earn as much as 12% less than female peers not affected by obesity.

“Women’s health and obesity are linked,” says Millicent Gorham, CEO of AWHP, “If you care about maternal health, if you care about cancer prevention, if you care about heart disease, if you care about mental health—then you need to care about obesity.”

The EveryBODY Covered Campaign is empowering women to call for comprehensive obesity care coverage to ensure everyone can access the full range of treatment options. Comprehensive obesity care includes counseling, behavior modification, physical activity, anti-obesity medications, surgery, and nutrition services.

The campaign is advocating for comprehensive obesity care coverage across insurance types, including private health insurance, employer-sponsored health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. The campaign supports the passage of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA), a bipartisan bill that would provide Medicare coverage of obesity care options. In addition, the campaign hopes Medicaid will expand coverage of obesity care through state legislation. Just as care for other chronic conditions is covered, comprehensive obesity care should be covered too – it’s only fair.

Visit to learn more about the impact of obesity on women and get involved.

Support for the EveryBODY Covered campaign has been provided by Eli Lilly & Co.

Riding into Spring, Avoiding Skin Cancer Surgery

(NewsUSA) - It’s practically Spring, and the outdoors is calling. “I’ll be back on my bike and celebrating the return of sunny weather,” says Todd Fishman, a long-time Louisville, Kentucky, resident and devoted bicycle enthusiast. “But this year,” he notes, “I’ll be far more diligent in protecting myself from the sun’s harmful UV rays.”  

Fishman, 57, says, “Biking is my escape – it gives me balance in my life.” But exposure to the sun took its toll on this outdoor enthusiast. Last year, Fishman was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on his nose, but when his top-flight dermatologist recommended Mohs surgery, Fishman asked, can you guarantee I won’t have an ugly scar from the treatment? When the answer was no, Fishman did his own research and found a local dermatologist, Dr. Denise Dickinson, who offered a noninvasive alternative with a 99%+ cure rate with no surgery and no surgical scarring. 

“I avoided the pain, scarring and downtime that accompanies Mohs surgery by choosing the newer, nonsurgical treatment known as Image-Guided SRT, or the GentleCure experience. My doctor, using high-frequency dermal imaging technology to observe and precisely target the cancer cells, aimed and delivered low energy x-rays at the tumor. After a series of 15-minute sessions in her office, there was no evidence of skin cancer! This clearly was the better way to cure my cancer.” 

Fishman is not alone. More Americans are diagnosed with nonmelanoma skin cancer each year than all other cancer types combined. That’s more than 3.3 million people annually. Most cases result from sun exposure, the dangerous effects of which are cumulative over time, which explains why one-in-five Americans will develop skin cancer by age 70. Other factors that may mean you’re likely to get skin cancer include the use of tanning beds, a personal or family history of skin cancer, and having pale skin, red or fair hair, or blue or green eyes.   

“Albert Einstein,” Fishman notes, “said life is like riding a bicycle; to keep your balance, you must keep moving. He was so right, and thank goodness that my dermatologist is keeping up with effective new treatment options like the GentleCure experience.” 

For more information and to learn where the GentleCure experience is available, visit

At-Home Traction Devices Can Help Ease Back Pain

(NewsUSA) - Low back pain remains a leading cause of disability and missed time from work in the United States. However, an at-home traction device offers a path to relief, according to Dr. Jeff Fisher, an Irvine, California-based chiropractor with more than 30 years of experience. Dr. Fisher invented the Fisher Traction Neck Device after experiencing an acute spine-related sports injury. Several years later, he developed the Fisher Traction Low Back Device to help his wife and sons manage herniated discs at home.

Much of spinal pain is caused by the compression of spinal nerves from adjacent bones or disc bulges/hernias, Dr. Fisher says. This compression can stem from a long-term chronic condition, acute injury, or simply aging and gravity.

Traction is the most effective way to relax, stretch, and decompress the spine and surrounding muscles and ligaments of the neck and back, Dr. Fisher explains. His at-home device is engineered to work as follows:

-Safely separates bones to eliminate pain and restore function, so the body can heal naturally.

-Restores the natural curves of the neck and back.

-Gently induces hydration and motion into the spine with the use of the release strap.

Dr. Fisher’s series of YouTube videos explains how Fisher Traction reduces and often eliminates pain by relieving compression on the nerves. Traditionally, individuals seeking the benefits of traction therapy had to visit a health clinic frequently or risk hanging upside down in an expensive machine.

Fisher Traction allows patients to experience the benefits of traction at home. Use of the Fisher Traction device has been shown to relieve pain and discomfort, slow disc degeneration, elongate muscles, increase flexibility, and increase range of motion and mobility. Fisher says.

“The key to successful traction therapy is frequency,” says Dr. Fisher. “The more you do it, the more your body can return to normal,” he says. “But who has the time to go to a clinic three days a week?  I invented Fisher Traction to be lightweight and portable so you can use it anywhere, anytime.” 

To use a Fisher Traction device, secure the loop over a doorknob and lie down. Then simply feel the pull. “You’re using your own body weight, so very little strength is needed,” says Dr. Fisher. The device allows for customized user control and features premium latex tubing with a patented bungee technology that mimics natural muscle contraction.

Traction has been evaluated and examined in over 55 peer reviewed research studies and has been found to be effective in an assortment of physical conditions, with demonstrated improvements in neck and spinal health visibly seen on x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and CT scans.

The recommended use for optimum results is 10-15 minutes a day for 21 consecutive days, followed by 3 times weekly for optimum long term spinal health.

For more information, visit


Un Momento Decisivo en el Manejo de la Presión Arterial Alta: Presentando el Procedimiento Symplicity para la Presión Arterial

(NewsUSA) - La presión arterial alta, también conocida como hipertensión, es una epidemia creciente que afecta a la mitad de todos los estadounidenses. La presión arterial alta puede dañar órganos vitales como el corazón, el cerebro, los riñones y los ojos sin ninguna señal de advertencia. Si no se trata, también puede provocar problemas graves como dolor de pecho, ataques cardíacos e insuficiencia cardíaca, y aumenta el riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular y enfermedad renal crónica. Durante mucho tiempo, la única forma de tratar la presión arterial alta era mediante cambios en el estilo de vida, como dieta y ejercicio, o tomando medicamentos. Hoy en día, hay otro enfoque a considerar además de las modificaciones en el estilo de vida y los medicamentos. 

La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU. aprobó recientemente un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo basado en un dispositivo que ofrece nuevas esperanzas a los millones de personas cuya presión arterial no ha sido controlada únicamente con medicamentos o cambios en el estilo de vida. Se ha demostrado que el procedimiento de presión arterial Medtronic Symplicity™ logra reducciones significativas, seguras y sostenidas de la presión arterial, marcando el comienzo de una nueva era para el tratamiento de la presión arterial alta en pacientes elegibles.

Muchas personas con presión arterial alta ya han experimentado resultados positivos con el procedimiento de presión arterial Symplicity, incluido Paul Griffin de Atlanta. La hipertensión de Paul comenzó cuando tenía 40 años y se prolongó durante unos 30 años, y durante mucho tiempo, Paul luchó por controlar su presión arterial alta. A pesar de que le recetaron varios medicamentos, su presión arterial permaneció descontrolada, lo que provocó un patrón frustrante de aumento de las dosis de medicamentos y efectos secundarios desagradables como cansancio y dolores de cabeza. Para Paul, esto afectó todos los aspectos de su vida, desde cantar con su cuarteto hasta pasar tiempo de calidad con su familia. La preocupación constante por su presión arterial y su salud general también afectó significativamente a Penny, la esposa de Paul, quien lo ayudó a realizar un seguimiento de sus medicamentos y de sus lecturas diarias de presión arterial. Necesitaba romper ese círculo y el procedimiento de presión arterial Symplicity le ofreció una nueva esperanza. 

Navegando el Tratamiento y Comprendiendo la Denervación Renal 

MedtronicLa presión arterial alta puede ser una lucha diaria importante y, para muchos pacientes, el problema puede pasar completamente desapercibido. Desesperado por encontrar una solución, Paul buscó opciones de tratamiento alternativas y se convirtió en su mayor promotor para encontrar un camino a seguir. No fue hasta que encontró un anuncio de prueba sobre el procedimiento de denervación renal que sintió una sensación de esperanza. Después de investigar un poco, le habló del ensayo a su médico y le preguntó si sería un candidato elegible. El procedimiento de denervación renal, también conocido como procedimiento de presión arterial Symplicity, ofreció a Paul otra alternativa con el potencial de controlar de forma segura y eficaz su presión arterial alta, y los resultados tuvieron un impacto significativo en su calidad de vida. Si bien la experiencia de Paul puede no ser la misma para todos, experimentó una caída en la presión arterial por primera vez en años, la reducción de algunos de sus medicamentos para la presión arterial alta y una esperanza revitalizada para el futuro del control de su presión arterial.* 

El procedimiento mínimamente invasivo de presión arterial Symplicity implica que un médico inserte un tubo delgado en una arteria de la pierna y use energía para calmar los nervios hiperactivos que rodean los riñones, lo que puede contribuir a la presión arterial alta. Luego se retira el tubo, sin dejar ningún implante. El procedimiento funciona complementando medicamentos y cambios en el estilo de vida, para que los pacientes puedan continuar controlando su presión arterial. 

Una Nueva Era en Soluciones Para la Presión Arterial Alta  

La aprobación del procedimiento de presión arterial Medtronic Symplicity significa un paso crucial hacia adelante en la batalla global contra la presión arterial alta. La historia de éxito de Paul Griffin destaca el impacto en el mundo real de esta tecnología innovadora, ofreciendo un posible momento decisivo para millones de estadounidenses que luchan por controlar sus números de presión arterial. 

Si usted o un ser querido padece presión arterial alta, consulte a su médico para explorar los posibles beneficios de este procedimiento revolucionario o visite para obtener más información.

*Los resultados de cada paciente varían. 

An Option for Many High-Risk Individuals: Antiviral Treatments for COVID-19

(NewsUSA) - In the ongoing battle against COVID-19, vaccines have been successful in helping to reduce illness and contributing to the declining numbers of infections in the U.S. and around the world. But COVID-19 is not gone, and it remains a significant threat. Those with weakened immune systems, chronic illnesses and other risk factors are particularly vulnerable to severe illness from the virus.

While vaccines are still the best first defense against COVID-19, antiviral treatments have emerged as another powerful tool to help fight the virus and protect those who face greater risk of severe illness and hospitalization from COVID-19.

Who’s at Risk?

Millions of Americans face a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19, and many may not even know it. Being age 50 or over, or having a host of common health conditions including cancer, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and weakened immune systems can make someone more likely to experience severe COVID-19 symptoms.

Treatments Are Available

The good news is that, for many of those at high risk who become infected with COVID-19 and have mild to moderate symptoms, antivirals can be a safe and effective treatment option. Antivirals work by helping to stop the virus from making copies of itself. This can help limit the spread of the virus inside the body — minimizing the severity of symptoms and the duration of the illness.

The need for speed is a fundamental principle underlying antiviral treatments for COVID-19. When someone at high risk becomes infected with COVID-19, the virus can spread rapidly within their body, which can cause severe respiratory problems and complications. This is where antiviral treatments may be able to help. Treatment with COVID-19 antivirals is most effective if it starts within the first five to seven days that the first COVID-19 symptoms appear.

But antivirals are not for everyone. They are not recommended for people who are younger, healthy and not at high risk of getting severely ill due to COVID-19, and there are certain health conditions and medications that are known to cause adverse reactions with antiviral treatments. Talk with a healthcare provider to know if an antiviral treatment is an option.

Plan Ahead

For anyone at high risk for severe COVID-19, acting quickly when infection happens, and planning ahead will be key to getting the treatment they may need. Begin by planning:

  • Making a list of current medications,
  • Talking with a healthcare provider to understand the risk for severe COVID-19 and discuss potential treatment options, and
  • Creating a plan to get tested and begin treatment at the first sign of a COVID-19 infection and before the 5–7-day window of opportunity closes.

Why Speed Matters

  • Stop the Virus from Multiplying: The earlier someone starts antiviral treatment, the better chance they have to lower the level of virus in their body, which can make a difference in their recovery.
  • Minimize Severe Symptoms: Quick action can help prevent mild symptoms from turning severe – potentially preventing a hospital stay.
  • Limit the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Life: Speedy treatment can shorten the time you are sick, easing the burden of the virus on your life and getting you back to usual.
  • Helping to Protect Others: High-risk individuals not only face danger themselves but can also unknowingly spread the virus to others. Rapid treatment helps break the chain of transmission.


Remember, timing matters in reducing the risks of COVID-19 and planning ahead can make the difference in the lives of those most vulnerable.

Visit to make a plan for yourself or someone that matters to you today.

Reconociendo la resiliencia hispana: El transcurso de una paciente con estenosis aórtica y lecciones vitales para recordar

(NewsUSA) - Conozca a Julia García, una mujer de 74 años, amada esposa y cariñosa abuela de varios nietos. Su vida ha estado profundamente marcada por su inquebrantable dedicación y afecto al trabajo con niños. Sin embargo, la vida de Julia dio un giro inesperado cuando empezó a experimentar síntomas preocupantes. Le costaba caminar, la fatiga era constante, levantar objetos pesados se convirtió en un reto y los mareos se hicieron demasiado familiares.

JuliaPreocupada por estos síntomas, Julia no tardó en buscar atención médica. A pesar de las múltiples consultas que la llevaron a puntos muertos y a varios diagnósticos erróneos, su perseverancia dio sus frutos cuando finalmente fue remitida a un cardiólogo. Tras un examen exhaustivo, el cardiólogo hizo un descubrimiento importante: la válvula aórtica de Julia, la principal válvula que controla el flujo de sangre que sale del corazón y suministra sangre oxigenada al sistema circulatorio, estaba gravemente dañada y casi cerrada. Esta valvulopatía cardiaca tan común se denomina estenosis aórtica y puede ser mortal si no se trata.

"Cuando empecé a sentir todos estos síntomas fue cuando me di cuenta de que no podía hacer las cosas que más me gustaban", dice Julia. "Estaba dispuesta a ir a donde fuera para recibir el tratamiento que necesitaba para volver a sentirme sana".

Tras evaluar sus opciones de tratamiento con su médico, Jorge A. Álvarez MD, Julia optó por someterse a una sustitución valvular aórtica transcatéter (TAVR), un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo para sustituir su válvula aórtica. El TAVR es menos invasivo que la cirugía a corazón abierto y suele durar menos de una hora.

"Tras consultar con Julia, llegamos a la conclusión de que el TAVR sería lo más adecuado para ella", afirma el Dr. Álvarez. "Confío en que, con el tiempo, podrá resumir todas las actividades que le gustan".

La estenosis aórtica es una de las cardiopatías valvulares más frecuentes y sigue aumentando con la edad.1 La estenosis aórtica grave sintomática puede ser mortal si no se trata. En Estados Unidos, las minorías raciales están infrarrepresentadas entre los pacientes sometidos a TAVR, y las estadísticas muestran que sólo el 3,4% de los hispanos se someten a esta intervención.2 La historia de Julia es un ejemplo inspirador de persistencia y defensa de sus derechos. Con el apoyo inquebrantable de su familia y de su equipo cardiológico, logró obtener el diagnóstico y el tratamiento correctos, lo que es especialmente digno de mención en un momento en el que los grupos raciales y étnicos minoritarios siguen estando infrarrepresentados entre los pacientes que se someten a TAVR.2 Su experiencia revela la importancia de concienciar sobre la estenosis aórtica y de garantizar un acceso equitativo a los procedimientos que salvan vidas para todas las comunidades.

¿Qué es la estenosis aórtica?

La estenosis aórtica grave impide que las valvas de la válvula aórtica se abran y cierren correctamente. Esto hace que el corazón tenga que trabajar más para bombear sangre al resto del cuerpo. Una válvula enferma afecta a su salud y limita sus actividades cotidianas.

Los síntomas de la estenosis aórtica grave son, entre otros

  • Dolor en el pecho
  • Mareos
  • Fatiga
  • Dificultad para respirar
  • Latidos irregulares

¿Quién está en riesgo?

La estenosis aórtica afecta predominantemente a la población de edad avanzada debido a la cicatrización y a la acumulación de calcio en la cúspide (aleta o pliegue) de la válvula.1

¿Qué es el TAVR?

El TAVR es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo para sustituir la válvula aórtica en pacientes con estenosis aórtica grave. El TAVR es menos invasivo que la cirugía a corazón abierto, y la intervención suele durar alrededor de una hora. Su equipo cardiológico determinará si debe recibir un sedante suave o anestesia general.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la TAVR?

Tras la intervención, muchos pacientes de TAVR informan de beneficios como:

  • Tener más energía
  • Respirar con normalidad
  • Sentir menos dolor
  • Sentir menos síntomas
  • Sentirse menos ansioso
  • La mayoría de los pacientes se pueden cuidar mejor de sí mismos y regresar a sus actividades cotidianas.

¿Cuáles son los riesgos del TAVR?

Los riesgos de la TAVR pueden incluir, pero no limitarse a muerte, ataques de apoplejía, daños en las arterias, hemorragias y necesidad de un marcapasos permanente.

Si usted o un ser querido tienen preguntas sobre el TAVR u otros dispositivos cardíacos implantados, visite

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