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Reduzca el estrés para tener un corazón más sano

(NewsUSA) - Se trate de los plazos de entrega diarios, las dificultades financieras o la pandemia de COVID-19, el estrés aparece a menudo en la vida y su cuerpo reacciona: su frecuencia cardiaca aumenta, sus vasos sanguíneos se contraen y, con el tiempo, estos pequeños impactos se acumulan y dañan su salud, particularmente su corazón. Con el estrés crónico, es más probable que tienda a desarrollar hipertensión, cardiopatía, diabetes, obesidad y trastornos del sueño. Incluso otras partes del cuerpo pueden verse afectadas; desde los pulmones hasta los intestinos.

Aunque no siempre es posible limitar la cantidad de estrés en su vida, puede modificar su respuesta ante él. Al igual que la respuesta automática de "luchar o huir" que se gatilla cuando siente miedo y sus músculos se tensan, su frecuencia cardiaca aumenta y el cerebro está más alerta, su cuerpo también tiene incorporada una respuesta saludable de relajación. Cuando se gatilla, sucede lo opuesto: su ritmo respiratorio y frecuencia cardiaca disminuyen y su presión arterial baja.

Afortunadamente, con la práctica, puede aprender a activar esa respuesta. Pruebe las siguientes técnicas por su cuenta o busque un instructor o una clase que le ayuden a comenzar. No se desanime si no agarra el ritmo rápidamente. Además, si un método no da resultado, pruebe con otro nuevo. Puede aprender a reducir el estrés de muchas otras maneras.

Meditación. Uno de los enfoques más estudiados para manejar el estrés, implica desarrollar la capacidad de mantenerse concentrado en el presente y no preocuparse por el pasado o el futuro. Busque un lugar tranquilo donde haya la menor cantidad posible de distracciones. Póngase cómodo, ya sea sentado, recostado o caminando. Centre su atención en una palabra específica o un grupo de palabras, un objeto o su respiración. Deje que las distracciones, incluidos los pensamientos, vengan y se vayan sin juzgarlos.

Relajación muscular progresiva. Para sentir este efecto, primero, tense los músculos por unos segundos y luego relájelos. Comience tensando y relajando los dedos del pie, después las pantorrillas y siga subiendo hasta la cara. Trabaje un grupo muscular a la vez.

Respiración profunda. Inhale de manera lenta y profunda, dejando expandir el estómago o el pecho y, luego, exhale lentamente. Repita un par de veces. Muchas personas no respiran profundamente, pero es algo relajante que puede hacer en cualquier momento y lugar.

Imágenes guiadas. Esto implica una serie de pasos que incluyen relajarse y visualizar los detalles de un lugar tranquilo y apacible como, por ejemplo, un jardín.

Practicar la autocompasión. Comprenda que los desafíos de la vida son inevitables. Dedíquese el cuidado y la atención que necesita cuando esté atravesando dificultades.

No obstante, llevar su cuerpo y su mente a un lugar de tranquilidad no siempre significa estar quieto. Otras maneras saludables de manejar el estrés son las clases de yoga o taichí, conversar con un consejero profesional, participar en un programa para el control del estrés o una clase de arte, o reunirse con amigos para dar una caminata rápida. Para algunas personas, estar en medio de la naturaleza es muy tranquilizante.

Combinar estos factores desestresantes con otros hábitos saludables puede ser muy beneficioso para fortalecer su corazón. Coma más verduras, frutas y granos enteros y consuma menos sodio, azúcar y grasas saturadas, por ejemplo. Muévase más, por ejemplo, a través del baile o juntándose con otras personas a caminar. Busque ejercicios que realmente le gusten y practíquelos periódicamente. Procure tener un sueño de calidad y suficiente, y desarrolle un sistema sólido de apoyo social. Después, reconsidere algunas de las maneras habituales que tiene para lidiar con el estrés, como beber alcohol a menudo, consumir drogas u otras sustancias, fumar o comer en exceso. Estas cosas, de hecho, pueden empeorar su estrés y su salud.

Cuidar de su salud cardiaca es un proceso de toda la vida, pero en tiempos en los que el riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad grave por COVID-19 sigue siendo más alto para las personas con problemas de salud cardiovascular, aprender nuevas maneras de fortalecer el corazón es aún más importante.

Puede obtener más información sobre la salud cardiaca en el sitio web del National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Instituto Nacional del Corazón, los Pulmones y la Sangre), en Si necesita asistencia para encontrar más recursos que le ayuden a lidiar con el estrés, consulte a un profesional de la salud. Busque atención de urgencia si no puede afrontarlo o si tiene pensamientos suicidas. También encontrará recursos en


Reclaim Your Life With Immune-Boosting Supplements

(NewsUSA) - Now more than ever, it is important to make good decisions about your health. COVID-19 and its variant descendants will likely be a part of life for years to come. Doing your best to maintain a healthy immune system protects you, your family and your community, even as the pandemic fades into the background.

The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the importance of making good choices for your health. Many people remain fearful and anxious, but it doesn't have to be that way. Taking care of yourself is the best way to move forward and reclaim your life.

A strong immune system activates your body's natural defenses to block the activity of a virus and stop it from spreading. Following a healthy lifestyle can help you support and maintain a healthy immune system. This means eating well and exercising regularly. However, anyone who is especially concerned about immune system support, such as older individuals and those with pre-existing health conditions, may want to consider oral supplements.

The QuadraMune supplement is for anyone who wants extra immune system support to help protect themselves not only from COVID-19 viruses, but also from other germs and illnesses that are constantly circulating.

QuadraMune is an all-natural supplement that is clinically proven to help promote a healthy and fully functioning immune system by enhancing the activity of Th1 cells and suppressing inflammation. The easy-to-take oral capsules contain several key ingredients that have demonstrated immune system support.

- Pterostilbene. This natural dietary compound has demonstrated antioxidant activity and inflammatory properties. It also is found in lower concentrations in such nutritional superfoods as blueberries, almonds and grape leaves.

- Epigallocatechin gallate. This powerful antioxidant plant compound has been getting attention for its antioxidant properties and potential ability to help protect the lungs and promote healthy T cell activity.

- Sulphoraphane. This natural plant compound has been shown to help reduce inflammation. This feature may help protect your lungs and reduce your vulnerability to respiratory infections.

QuadraMune also contains an active ingredient that is chemically related to hydroxychloroquine, but with no prescription needed.

Visit for more information about QuadraMune and how you can be confident, stay healthy and enjoy life.


These Three Facts about Sudden Cardiac Arrest Could Help Save a Life

(NewsUSA) - This February, American Heart Month, you can learn critical information about sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) that could help you save a life. Three key things to remember:

1. SCA is not a heart attack: SCA is an "electrical" problem affecting the heart rhythm, and a heart attack is a "plumbing" problem affecting blood flow.

It's a very common misperception that a heart attack and SCA are the same thing. However, they are very different.

A heart attack occurs when part of the heart's blood supply is reduced due to a partial or complete blockage, and the heart muscle becomes injured or dies.

SCA, on the other hand, is related to the heart's internal electrical system. When this system fails, it may trigger a dangerously fast heartbeat causing the heart to quiver and stop pumping blood to the body and brain. This can cause a victim to pass out suddenly -- this is SCA.

"A heart attack victim is usually awake and can seek help, but a sudden cardiac arrest victim typically passes out immediately and must rely on others to provide immediate treatment," says Mary Newman, president and CEO of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation.

"The two conditions require vastly different treatment. The chance of survival following a sudden cardiac arrest decreases 10 percent with every passing minute."

Though a heart attack and SCA are different, they are sometimes linked.

Brent MillerBrent Miller, 50, survived both. Brent knew something wasn't right when he started to experience frequent severe crushing chest pain in early 2021. He was an avid runner, so a heart problem may not have seemed likely. However, Brent knew to not ignore his symptoms. He went to the hospital and learned he was having a heart attack.

Brent's doctors implanted a stent in his heart to restore blood flow. The quick medical attention saved his life, but the heart attack weakened his heart's pumping ability. This condition put him at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. As part of his recovery, his doctor recommended he wear a lifesaving wearable defibrillator known as LifeVest for protection.

Watch Brent's story on the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation website.

2. SCA is sudden by its very nature; often the first sign a person has this condition is that they collapse and experience cardiac arrest.

SCA has no warning signs. However, there are factors that may indicate someone is at risk for SCA. For example, certain heart patients may be at increased risk, including those who have suffered a heart attack or have been newly diagnosed with heart failure.

Anyone who feels they might be at risk should see a cardiologist for evaluation. If you are at risk for SCA, a doctor may recommend a wearable defibrillator, implantable cardioverter defibrillator, medications, or other measures to prevent sudden death.

In Brent's case, following his heart attack, his doctors determined he was at high risk for SCA and prescribed LifeVest, a wearable defibrillator designed to detect certain life-threatening rapid heart rhythms and automatically deliver a lifesaving treatment shock.

"My SCA was very immediate; I did not feel it was coming on at all," says Brent. "I was talking to my wife, and I collapsed."

Learn how Brent survived sudden cardiac arrest on the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation website.

3. An SCA victim requires immediate emergency care, including CPR and a defibrillation shock -- and you can help.

If you witness what you think is sudden cardiac arrest, the first thing to do is to call 911 immediately before administering urgent and immediate care. After calling 911, start CPR compressions: Push hard and fast on the center of the chest. An SCA victim requires defibrillation and bystanders should seek an AED (automated external defibrillator) to provide treatment.

If a patient is wearing LifeVest, which does not require third-party intervention, the device is designed to prompt bystanders to step aside while treatment is delivered.

When Brent experienced SCA, he was at home in his bedroom. He suddenly lost consciousness. LifeVest detected the abnormal heart rhythm and delivered a treatment shock that saved his life.

"If I wasn't wearing LifeVest that day, I have no doubt that I would have died," Brent says. "I'm just extremely grateful."

With appropriate therapy, cardiac patients can often return to doing many of the things they enjoy. After experiencing both a heart attack and SCA, Brent has recovered and undergone cardiac rehab. He continues to run and is now training for a half-marathon in April.

Learn more:


Satellite Internet Proves to Be the Ultimate Business Continuity

(NewsUSA) - More than ever, people rely on the internet for work and entertainment and to connect with others.

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven the need for consumer and business connectivity. Throughout the pandemic, it has played a critical role; allowing businesses to continue operations, adapt to a dynamic environment and embrace the ability to serve their customers online. From craftsmen to consultants, today's businesses need a reliable connection to sell products, manage projects, process payments and simply stay in touch with customers.

Business continuity and back-up internet have become especially critical during the pandemic because they allow businesses to remain competitive by keeping their digital doors open. As a backup service, satellite internet can seamlessly keep businesses located in urban areas online when their primary ground-based connections have outages, or after natural disasters. Business continuity internet is just that: business services that keep going regardless of extenuating circumstances, even when others quit.

A single damaged cable can mean lost revenue, disrupted workflows, and a hit to customer trust.

According to International Data Corporation, 80% of small businesses have experienced downtime at some point in the past, with costs in the range of $82,200 to $256,000 for a single event.

Satellite internet backup offers true diversified redundancy. It doesn't depend on local terrestrial networks, which are vulnerable to damage. Even if a business has a fast cable or fiber connection, all it takes is someone digging a hole in the wrong place to bring operations to a screeching halt.

A redundant satellite internet connection enables businesses to continue operations immediately after their primary connection has been lost, as well as throughout the repair and recovery process.

Today's satellite internet offers a full spectrum of business services virtually anywhere, at fast broadband speeds. That means multiple locations across all types of landscapes can use a single, reliable satellite provider as an internet backup option to ensure they can continue to serve their customers.

Business continuity isn't a product to be bought. It's a mindset; a dedication to keep the lights on, to keep customers satisfied and to take care of employees through any challenge.

As with any business plan, it pays to plan ahead. In many cases, satellite may well prove to be the ultimate, and simplest, continuity plan.

To learn more about how satellite-based internet enables business continuity, click here.


5 Pathways to a Rewarding Financial Planner Career

(NewsUSA) - The number of Americans quitting their jobs reached record-setting highs in 2021. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 38 million people left their positions during the year. More than 4.5 million of those resignations took place in November alone.

If you were among those millions, you may be starting the new year looking for a new job -- one that offers more flexibility, work-life balance and a greater sense of personal fulfillment. If so, the financial planning profession may be a good fit for you.

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals work with individuals and families to review their financial situations and identify strategies to help maximize their chances of achieving life goals. They may advise clients on saving for retirement, investing money to purchase a home or start a business or paying for a child's education. Financial planners also help businesses design and manage retirement plans and other financial programs for their employees.

Financial planning positions vary widely from one company to the next, and there are numerous ways to enter this in-demand profession. Here are five of the most common:

1. Join a company's financial planning department. Financial planning departments draft financial plans, answer client questions and service requests, research investment options, and perform custom analyses of financial options and decisions.

2. Start a career in financial planning operations. Operations professionals maintain advisor and client files, collect client information, generate client reports and help with troubleshooting, among other responsibilities.

3. Work for a virtual advice center. New hires at virtual advice centers answer calls from existing customers and help them with personal financial matters, ranging from stock trades to portfolio adjustments to account distributions. As employees gain experience, they move into more specialized financial planning roles and services.

4. Join the advisory team at a bank or financial advisor's local branch office. Here, a financial planner typically starts out by assisting clients with opening accounts, completing transfers and other basic service requests. With time, they will handle more complex client cases and assist with more advanced products and services.

5. Work for a company that supports financial planners. These include FinTech companies, asset managers and FinTech company platform providers.

CFP Board's recently published Guide to Careers in Financial Planning provides more information about starting and sustaining successful financial planning careers. You can also find career guidance and financial planning job and internship postings on the CFP Board Career Center.

Whatever path you choose, pursuing a financial planning career may provide you with many personal and professional benefits in the new year. For more information about financial planning as a career, visit

5 Tips to a Budget-Friendly Ski Vacation

(NewsUSA) -During the winter months, many Americans look to make the most of the fresh snow and cooler temps by skiing and snowboarding in cities and towns across the United States, often taking a weekend getaway to experience some place new. But trips to the slopes can be a costly expense.

As a longtime ski enthusiast with 50 years of experience road tripping to ski resorts across the United States and Canada, Joe Miron has spent several decades perfecting the art of planning cost-effective ski voyages. He shares his five best tips to make traveling to the slopes budget-friendly without sacrificing the adventure below:

1. Seek Early Bird Specials: Purchase passes in advance, rather than at the ticket window, to get the best bang for your buck. Many resorts and ski passes will begin offering discounted prices in early spring, known as "early bird specials." Miron opts for the Indy Pass, a multi-resort season pass offering access to 80 independently owned and operated ski areas across North America. For a limited time, My6 Members can receive 10% off adult and kid passes.

2. Consider Weekend & Holiday Crowds: For large resorts, consider the crowds on holidays and weekends in January and February, and time your visit to the "off" days. Weekdays are typically less crowded and will allow you to take full advantage of an uncrowded ski slope. Miron prefers visiting large mountains between Tuesday and Thursday to avoid the high ski traffic.

3. Road Tripping with your Furry Friend: Pets are great travel companions, especially for ski trips. When deciding to bring your furry friends along for the adventure on your next ski trip, make sure you have all the necessities, such as a pet-friendly lodging option such as Motel 6, and bringing a dog jacket and heavy blanket to keep them warm. Miron, who travels with his dog, Kilo, throughout the winter months, even attaches a Tractive GPS device to his dog collar.

4. Select Affordable & Accommodating Lodging: Identifying lodging that accommodates all your needs is vital for planning an affordable ski trip. Miron chooses Motel 6, an economy lodging brand with more than 280 locations near ski resorts. Motel 6 is known to be clean, comfortable and affordable, and it offers a pet-friendly environment, where up to two dogs or cats can stay for free.i Miron personally appreciates how over 1,400 Motel 6 locations are locally owned and operated and are easy to spot from the main road or freeway.

5. Seek Out Unique or Smaller Locations: While exploring the various winter wonderlands, seek unique and smaller ski areas, as there may be some hidden deals and unpolished gems to help keep your trip within budget. Miron loves to visit smaller resorts alongside the major mountains, specifically New Mexico, Idaho and Montana ski areas.

For additional information on Motel 6 and how to activate the Indy Pass discount, visit


Joe Miron is an avid skier, proud dog dad and member of the American Legion who began his ski career in 1967 at the age of 20 in Lake Tahoe, CA.

Since taking his first ski road trip back in 1972 from San Francisco to Colorado and back, Joe has turned road tripping to various ski resorts into an everlasting tradition.

Joe's road trips became longer after retiring from his career 11 years ago, as he then had the entire winter season to do what he pleased.

Joe enjoys the adventure of skiing at different resorts throughout the U.S. and Canada and exploring all the various places along the way in his SUV with his travel companion, Kilo.

This year, Joe and Kelo departed for their ski pilgrimage on December 9. They will visit 109 ski resorts in two Canadian provinces and 10 U.S. states. They will spend 56 nights at 27 different Motel 6 properties.

Top Spring Trends for Lips, Skin, and Nails

(NewsUSA) - If the monochrome of winter has you dreaming of brighter days ahead, you're not alone. Thankfully, the spring beauty forecast is in, and it's all about color, shimmer and glow for nails, lips and skin.

Vogue published a feature highlighting all the biggest beauty trends stemming from the Spring 2022 runways, and among them was "high-gloss pouts." Now, maybe it's the two years of near-constant mask-wearing that makes this such a welcome trend, but the fact that lips are back in the spotlight is something to get excited about.

  • GET THE LOOK: To achieve that high gloss effect at home, look no further than the Lipgasm™ Lipglosses by female-owned brand Trust Fund Beauty (TFB). Simply swipe across your lips for a sexy and moisturizing finish to your lipstick or lip liner, or use it on its own for a glossy shine.

    Spring's emphasis on sparkle doesn't stop at a glossy lip. As the runways previewed, glitter is in for hair and skin as well. So how can you pull off a head-to-toe shimmer for everyday without looking like a disco ball? It's easy with the right liquid and powder products.
  • GET THE LOOK: TFB's That Glo Tho™ Liquid Highlighter can be used on its own or mixed with foundation, primer or moisturizer for a subtle sheen. It comes in two shades: champagne (Lit AF) and bronze (Glowy AF). The powder version of each shade is designed with a buttery soft lightweight texture that blends seamlessly into the skin for a healthy glow.

    Toss those winter gloves, and get ready to flaunt your nails, because vibrant tips are coming back in a big way. Snapshots from Fashion Week show spring nails in a range of colorful shades, playful patterns and artistic designs. Boring nails? Don't know her.
  • GET THE LOOK: Known best for their 21-free Nail Lacquers, all made in the USA, TFB offers bold AF shades for every style and personality with an array of spring colors, including aqua blue (Spill the Tea), pink coral (CEO of Wellness) and a buttery yellow (Never Boring).

    Spring is the perfect time to experiment with your beauty products and go bold with your skin, lips and nails. With its selection of vibrant hues and its ever-evolving, cruelty-free product line, TFB is the brand to take your look (and your attitude) to new heights.

"We are on a mission to redefine the meaning of non-toxic and vegan beauty, making it more accessible, inclusive, loud and proud," says Amanda Zweig, Co-Owner, Creative Director of Trust Fund Beauty. "We've been a trailblazer in beauty since our 2013 launch, and we've only continued to elevate our standards."

In addition, the company is committed to sustainability by partnering with organizations such as Pachama and TerraCycle to offset carbon emissions and plastic consumption. All Trust Fund Beauty products are non-toxic, cruelty-free and vegan.

Visit for more information.

"Cherrish" Every Moment with Chilean Cherries

(NewsUSA) - As January stretches on and the midwinter blahs kick in, consider a healthy way to perk up your day -- Chilean cherries.

Although cherries are available domestically in the United States in the summer months, in the winter they bring a much-needed burst of color and flavor. Winter cherries come from the Southern Hemisphere, primarily from Chile in South America. Chile's diverse climate lends itself to growing many types of fruit, including cherries.

Cherries not only taste great, they also pack a powerful nutritional punch. Chilean cherries are rich in antioxidants, as well as vitamin C, which is important to maintaining a healthy immune system.

Chilean cherries also contain vitamins A and K, along with potassium, magnesium and even some of your recommended daily amount of calcium. Cherries are a tasty source of fiber, too.

A one-cup serving of cherries provides 25% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, according to the Chilean Cherry Committee. In addition, cherry consumption also may help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. But wait, there's more. Cherries contain a healthy dose of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin.

"When it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it's summer in Chile, so that means you can enjoy delicious, sweet cherries through the winter," says Karen Brux, managing director for the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association. "For a taste of summer, look to Chile," she says.

Brux also shared some ideas for how to "Cherrish" Every Moment with Chilean Cherries, and share the taste of Chilean cherries with others.

- Sweeten it up. You can "Cherrish" Every Moment by stirring a cup of halved and pitted Chilean cherries into your banana smoothie. Add some cocoa powder for a true chocolate-covered cherry experience. A winter cherry tart or Chilean Cherry Chocolate Chip Muffins can hit the sweet spot, too.

- Savor the flavor. "Cherrish" the taste of Chilean cherries in a variety of savory recipes. Chilean cherries add just the right pop of flavor and texture to a mixed green salad or a wild rice side dish.

Look for cherries from Chile at your local retailer from December into February, and visit for more information and recipes.

BookTrib's Bites: Health, Self-Help, Spiritual and Comedic


A Heart's Landscape"A Heart's Landscape"
by Susan Lax

Unlock a moment of joy in each day no matter how challenging times may be. Let this beautiful collection of stories, poems and words from the garden of the author's heart offer insight, comfort and healing.

Some days we find ourselves on autopilot, forgetting the preciousness of being and losing touch with our creative spirit. But on other days, our being fills with excitement. Author Susan Lax explores the gifts of awareness and encourages the reader to be present in the moment. Lax offers a path to an attentive heart. On every page, her words and timeless photographs meet your soul in the perfect place. In times of grief, illness or life transitions, you'll find healing and strength within these pages. Purchase at

Schmooze: What They Should Teach at Harvard Business School"Schmooze: What They Should Teach at Harvard Business School"
by Cody Lowry

"Wow! Self-help and motivation for millennials, baby boomers, and everyone in between."-- Tim Gannon, co-founder of Outback Restaurants.

In this inspirational chronicle, entrepreneur Cody Lowry shares how the events in his life led him to become a motivational force in the lives of others. He'll share how being raised by a single mother prepared him for an extraordinary life. His odd job stories will demonstrate how reinvention is always possible.

And with his marvelous storytelling technique, Cody will encourage readers to look at their lives differently. Through humorous, real-life stories, he'll arm them with a new definition of the word "schmooze" that will empower them to unleash their full potential. Purchase at

Books of God"Books of God"
by Michael Haghighat 

There are approximately 4.4 billion Christians, Muslims and Jews. Wouldn't it be awesome if their common beliefs rooted in their common God-given truths were represented in the global order by a world religious organization?

This book distills the common truths and fundamental differences of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The author believes the major religious institutions need to adopt a set of core principles based on our common truths and assert themselves as an active united front. In this global order, our major religious institutions can work as one united entity alongside our governments and major commercial enterprises to eradicate hunger, poverty, injustice, inequality, environmental degradation, greed, war and other evils. Purchase at

Laughing with Old Abe"Laughing with Old Abe"
by A.T. Kabambay

Abraham Lincoln is the most adored of all American presidents, but oddly enough, two of his unparalleled qualities have completely escaped scholars: of all the presidents, he is the greatest jokester and the most religious.

In this succinct biography of the 16th President of the United States -- perhaps the funniest biography of all time -- discover the most hilarious stories and anecdotes Lincoln has told or experienced in his lifetime. In this difficult time of the pandemic, economic uncertainty and global warming, enjoy the opportunity to laugh with Old Abe. Written by a passionate historian and researcher who specializes in American history, specifically Lincoln and the American Civil War. Purchase at

NOTE: BookBites is presented by

Keep Your Utility Bills Down as Home Heating Costs Rise This Winter

(NewsUSA) - Winter 2022 promises the perfect storm for soaring home heating bills. The convergence of surging energy prices, plummeting temperatures and escalating demand means optimal energy-efficiency is more challenging and critical than ever.

Rising global energy prices hit home with forecasts indicating households could see their bills increase up to 54%, according to The United States Energy Information Administration. Further, forecasters including the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration and the Farmer's Almanac predict a colder-than-normal season. Rounding out this frosty trifecta, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rise of remote work which is set to accelerate and become a more permanent fixture as of 2022, industry observers say.

The good news is that families can prevent a utility-bill blitz by following a few simple tips. With home heating and cooling accounting for nearly half of home energy use, small steps can go a long way.

  • Ease Into Electric: According to Columbia University's Earth Institute, electric systems are a solution to decarbonize home climate control. Among the most energy-efficient heating and cooling products, electricity-powered ductless mini-split systems, offered by companies including Fujitsu General America, can save as much as 25 percent on your energy bill. Plus, they are effective with temperatures as low as -15 degrees Fahrenheit. Mini-splits use thin copper tubing to pump refrigerant from an outdoor compressor directly into an indoor air-handling unit, where the air is quietly distributed to the interior space.
  • Get "Smart" About Climate Control: When it comes to smart home temperature control, there are Smart HVAC Systems and Smart Thermostats. Smart HVAC systems have built-in Internet capability and can be controlled directly without additional equipment. Smart Home Thermostats create "smart" systems by enabling remote temperature control via a mobile or Internet-connected device or voice-operated home automation system.
  • Voice Your Preference: Take control of your comfort. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that enable systems to be controlled from anywhere using a mobile device. Voice-control capability uses digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, to verbally dictate home temperatures. Easily controlling the temperature more closely allows homeowners to be more comfortable and improve energy savings.
  • Find Your Efficient Comfort Zone: Many of us live in homes designed for bigger families, but have yet to downsize. If you find yourself using a fraction of your home on a regular basis, consider upgrading to a zoned ducted, or ductless, system. That will allow you to save energy heating and cooling spaces where you and your family don't spend a lot of time. This will multiply savings as you're not only needing less cooling, but you also gain from a more efficient system in the spaces you do still use.
  • Try Low-tech Fixes: Simple changes can have a big impact. Take advantage of the sun's energy to heat your home by opening your south-facing curtains at sunrise to make best use of "passive solar gain." Force down warm air. Denser, cooler air stays closer to the ground, and warmer air rises. So, force it downwards with a low-speed fan. Insulate and fill the gaps. Warmed air leaking out around poorly sealed window frames, power sockets, recessed light fittings, and other gaps is a big source of heat loss in homes. Thick curtains help to insulate glass at windows.

If your utility bill is spiking as temperatures dip, a ductless heating and cooling system is definitely a worthwhile investment. Many Fujitsu systems with the Energy Star rating are more than twice as efficient as the minimum standard set by the government.

To learn more or find a contractor near you, call 888-888-3424 or visit


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