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How Schools Brought Community Together, Even While Apart

(NewsUSA) - Had you tried to devise a situation that would bring our public schools to the brink, you couldn't have done better than imagining what happened in the spring of 2020. It happened so fast. Suddenly schools had to figure out how to teach students from afar, without the aid of summer planning or extra training.

High schools navigated a doubly difficult challenge: balancing teaching teens in the moment while also ensuring they remained on track for the future amid rising anxiety, stress, and depression.

Experts warned that the pandemic would have a dire impact on generation COVID and early data suggests they may be right. Since the pandemic struck, more than a quarter-million fewer seniors completed financial aid forms that support affordable college enrollment. The greatest declines came from the students who likely need aid the most -- students of color and students from low-income backgrounds.

Even against this bleak backdrop, some high schools managed to shine. The College Success Award identifies high schools that support student college enrollment and success in 25 states.

This year GreatSchools reached out to the most exceptional of these winning schools to learn about how they had navigated pandemic education. Not only did they meet the moment head on, but they devised solutions that worked so well they made them permanent even after schools returned in the fall. Here's what they discovered:

Meeting families where they are. With buildings closed, schools had to get creative about engaging families. El Paso's Valle Verde Early College High School, for example, took its monthly parent forums online and discovered what happens when you remove barriers to family engagement. At the first meeting, instead of 50 parents, over 300 showed up and crashed the system. "[W]e see people making dinner, doing laundry, but listening and asking questions. They're taking care of life responsibilities," says recently-retired Principal Paul Covey. With the simple click of a button, hundreds of multitasking parents were given the opportunity to participate in school activities without having to find childcare, leave work early, or take public transportation.

Meeting alumni where they are. Florida's Mater Performing Arts Academy had always invited alumni to visit the school to share their experiences, but once school was online, they discovered that they could access alumni all over the country. "We're doing a lot of presentations with our alumni who… are in Boston, or in… San Francisco," says college counseling lead Silvino Macho. By leveraging the power of video conferencing, the school engaged its alumni community to share their college and career lessons and mentor students.

Meeting teens where they are. As schools went virtual, teacher Scott Frank took it as a chance to speak teens' language.

He created online videos of core topics in his history classes at IDEA Frontier College Prep in Brownsville, TX. Frank's YouTube channel became an evergreen bank students could reference while studying or doing homework. His biology counterpart made short videos on TikTok and awarded bonus points to students that watched.

For these teachers, the language of social media became a friend request they gladly accepted.

To explore more best practices and see the complete list of 2021 College Success Award-winners, visit


Carol Lloyd is the vice president, editorial director at GreatSchools.

Toddler Table Combats Pandemic Learning Loss

(NewsUSA) -- The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has reshaped education in many ways, especially for young children and their families.

Many preschoolers who used to receive not only academic, but also social/emotional education and support in a school setting, have spent months at home with parents or caregivers, who are often struggling to juggle their own jobs. Those same adults feel overwhelmed and concerned about their children's development.

The Animal Island Learning Adventure (AILA) Sit & Play Preschool Learning System offers an effective solution to the challenge of early childhood education at home.

AILA is a hands-free device designed for toddlers ages 12 to 36 months with an understanding of how young children actually learn.

AILA delivers the right content at the right time. It meets children where they are, and gets them where they need to be. The curriculum teaches literacy, numeracy, social emotional skills, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, creativity, with storytime, music, and movement.

"I work with inner-city kids from middle- and low-income families," says Maria Benjamin, director of the Next Generation Learning Center in Richmond, VA. "These families deserve the best. I believe they can have a promising beginning and a good foundation of learning, and I'm very thankful they can get a head start with AILA."

Animal Island Learning Adventure (AILA) Preschool Learning System has led to many success stories such as with Jaxon Pizzi.

His parents, like many others in this country, were concerned about their child's speech development. After using AILA with Jaxon, his mom, Randie, says it best.

"When Jaxon was 23 months, we decided to purchase AILA. In the short 3-1/2 months we have had it, his vocabulary has exploded beyond measure!" she says.

"He went from mostly signing and saying just a few words to saying and singing dozens, and we thank AILA for this."

Randie adds, "The repetitive and engaging curriculum has been the key to unlocking Jaxon's voice. He sings and dances along with the characters like no one is watching. It is pure bliss as his parents watch his eyes light up as he enjoys learning with his friends on Animal Island. As many other parents know, hearing that your child may have any kind of delay is a blow to the gut. We are no doubt still in that boat, but getting closer to the dock everyday with AILA."

AILA has no advertising, and no subscription is needed, so there is no risk of children encountering inappropriate content.

In addition, AILA For Parents mobile app lets adults track their child's progress towards key milestones and monitor their child remotely while they are playing.

Visit for more information.

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